OH SO Chichi ...
the BLOG!
I know, why stop at 2 blogs when you can have 3? I started this little project over a year ago. Once I started posting craft projects and tutorials, Etsy business stuff and linking to craft parties ... I felt a little guilty that I was taking away from the "family" side of things. So I came up with a design concept and put myself on my
blog designer's waiting list. Now, over a year later, I'm debuting my
Craft and Business Blog ...
OH SO Chichi!

There is still more work to be done and the blog is still developing, but I've finally gotten it to the point where I'm comfortable putting it out there. I've been spending a crazy amount of time each evening working on my "label" buttons, developing content and importing projects from
"Our Journey". I'm pretty proud of the work I've done!
How is this going to change
"Our Journey"? I'm still going to post my home decor and craft projects; but I won't be posting tutorials here or the projects I'm linking to blog parties. Most of my ChichiKids and Etsy ventures will be posted over at
OH SO Chichi as well ... though I may make a few announcements here. I'm trying to get
"Our Journey" back to family oriented stories and keeping the "business" over at
OH SO Chichi ... after all, I don't think everyone that visits this blog wants to read about my son pooping his pants in public ... but, hey ... if you do, keep following along! :o) I know I actually like a few personal stories thrown in the mix over at my favorites craft blogs ... it keeps it real!
OH SO Chichi. Eventually I'll start offering giveaways and hosting project parties of my own! I'm so excited about this ... but I understand I need to build some credibility over there first. Right now
I'm my only "follower" ... umm, hint. I also have a portion dedicated to Etsy! I'll be posting video tutorials for my appliques and iron-on transfers, as well as applique project tutorials and promotions!
Most importantly,
OH SO Chichi is more about
YOU than me. I find a tremendous amount inspiration in "blog-land" and I really wanted a place to feature some of the great people, projects, and blogs out there! I'll be featuring projects and "great finds", hosting blog parties and will be on the look-out for blog/businesses to award the
OH SO Chichi SEAL OF APPROVAL. I've always wanted an avenue to recognize other people for their amazing talents; whether it be a blog, project or hand-made product. You know how Better Homes and Gardens has a seal of approval ... something tried and tested that they feel is really up to par? Well, that's kind of what the
OH SO Chichi SEAL OF APPROVAL is about! Whether it's an AMAZING item I've purchased on Etsy or a really inspirational blog ... I wanted a way to put the word out. So I developed the the
OH SO Chichi SEAL OF APPROVAL. It's basically a way to give recognition to outstanding bloggers and Etsy shops ... and they'll have a cute little button to post on their blog or in their shop!
So, please take a moment to check out
OH SO Chichi and follow along!