Hey! Did you know Kelty's cousins are still here! Yup! Whoop! We've been having a great time and Kelty absolutely LOVES playing with his 6-year-old cousin Madalyn and 8-year-old cousin John Charles. It's been quite the busy household! We've also had a few unexpected surprises like Al's Appendectomy which kept Al in the hospital for 3 days ... thank goodness my sis was still here to take care of Kelty!
So, without further ado ... here are some photo's (in no particular order) of our activities this last month!
Kelty tried to figure out the hose ... and yes, I did!
Oh, umm ... we went to Disneyland Paris! I can't believe I never blogged about this! Oops! My cast member perks work here too so our admission was free! Whoop!
So where does this leave us? Jess and the kids have been trying to wrap up their vacation but haven't had any luck "hopping out" yet ... it's been CRAZY busy at the PAX terminal. I'm trying to "hop out" this week with them so I can spend August in the states with my parents in Michigan!
So does this mean I'm caught up on my blogging? :o)
So does this mean I'm caught up on my blogging? :o)